Getting rid of unwanted body hair is an endless war, and the battlefield is strewn with razors, tweezers, and messy creams and waxes. If you want to ditch all of these temporary measures and go for the long-term strategy, why not give laser hair removal a try?
Here at LH Spa & Rejuvenation in Livingston and Madison, New Jersey, we want to make sure our clients have access to the latest technologies to help them look their best. When we researched the options for hair removal, we found that the Elite+™ by Cynosure® rose above the rest. Here’s a look at laser hair removal and why the technology we have is some of the best around.
The science of hair
Getting rid of unwanted body hair is a never-ending process, because you’re fighting formidable forces, such as hormones, biology, and genetics. In order to better understand what you’re up against, it’s helpful to take a step back and take a look at the science of human hair.
To start, your battle is one of sheer numbers. When you’re born, you have around 5 million hair follicles on your body, a number that will go down as the years go by. But when they start to disappear, it’s often not where you want it. Most people begin losing hair on their heads first, and then their bodies slowly begin to shed hair follicles.
While we all shed hair follicles as we grow older, where and how quickly comes down to hormones and genetics, which play critical roles in your hair growth and loss. In other words, if your parents have full heads of hair — as well as hairy arms, backs, and faces — the odds are you will, too.
When it comes to hormones, any surges or imbalances can cause excessive hair growth, which can be seen in pregnancy and conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome. These conditions can lead to too many androgens — male hormones — in women.
The laser difference
Until recently, the only way to fight back against unwanted hair was through daily shaving, painful waxing, and hormonal treatments. But laser hair removal offers a solution that gets down to the follicle, getting rid of the hair once and for all.
Using our Elite+, we send laser energy down into your follicles, which absorb it as heat, essentially destroying your unwanted hair from the roots up. The Elite+ has two different wavelengths, which allows us to treat all skin types, and it comes equipped with a cooling system for your comfort.
This means we can tackle most areas where you may want hair removed, such as your legs, underams, face, back, and bikini area.
The road to smooth
When you come in, we sit down with you to review the areas you want to treat. Then we come up with a timeline. You’ll likely need to come in for several treatments, because not all of your hair is in a growth phase at the same time. Some of your hair follicles may be in a resting state, which means they aren’t visible. By waiting several weeks in between each of your sessions, we allow time for all of your follicles to wake up and identify themselves, at which point we can target them with the Elite+.
If you’d like to further explore laser hair removal with the Elite+, book an appointment online or over the phone with LH Spa & Rejuvenation today